103 research outputs found

    Revamping the “Network Paradigm”

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    In the contemporary metropolitan areas the quality of the “space of flows” in terms of 'urbanity' is becoming crucial. Urbanity is closely related to the multi-scale and flexible interconnections of the strategic railway nodes as privileged exchange hubs for both global and local spaces, on the one hand, and epicentres of the most significant urban regeneration projects on the other. Topology, kinetics and adaptivity represent the key features of the mobility network systems, and can be beneficially used to regenerate the metropolitan territory providing new identities to the archipelago of European conurbations


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    The authors of ‘Code: Athens’ focus attention back onto the ‘space of movement’ in all its polysemous dimensions all over the European Union domain and in the Greek capital in particular. Not limited to considering the techno/functional nature of rail networks, the book explores the evolution of that domain in terms of a mature ‘relationship space’ with the concomitant social, economic, environmental and symbolic layers that enrich the traditional goal of merely facilitating movement within urban and territorial settlements

    Healthy Works. Food and Land Use Planning in San Diego Region

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    Across the US, where ‘food deserts’ heavily shape access to fresh, local and healthy food, institutions, NGOs and private citizens are committed to designing and implementing measures aimed at getting a greater control over the food daily supplied to million people. This paper highlights the case study of the San Diego Region (CA), where the goals of a ‘sustainable, secure and resilient food system’ addressed by an array of instruments ranging from food policies to land use tools and municipal zoning codes are mobilizing from the very beginning community at large: producers, brokers, consumers. The account is twofold. On the one hand, it aims to highlight a sort of ‘value chain’ within the approach in linking traditionally separate issues, on the other hand, it prompts for new meanings and uses for vacant land, that can result in a strategically planned and delivered green infrastructure comprising the broadest range of open spaces and other environmental features

    Smart Specialisation Strategies for Supporting Europe 2020 Vision. Looking at the American Experience: the Case of the Boston Area

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    These reflections aim to highlight the crucial challenge that European Regions are called to face applying the ‘Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialization’ policy for pursuing the virtuous implementation of EU Cohesion Policy and ‘Europe 2020’ Agenda. The original cultural style of the ‘US Smart Specialization model’, supported by the ‘cluster theory’ and the ‘innovation paradigm’, represents a significant lesson in Boston area


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    The polysemous nature of the term "resilience" in urban policies is enabling more and more innovative multi-disciplinary entanglement and cooperation, implementing a virtuous dialogue between several knowledge domains as health, ecology, environment, socio-economy, planning. Significant schools of thought stress the role of mobility networks as a strategic issue for the interpretation of the resilience concept in terms of cohesion principles for territories and civic communities. Looking at the ‘space of movement’, new planning tools as SUMP (promoted by the EU) can allow to overcome ancient and persistent separations between mobility networks and the land use design by concretely implementing integrated regeneration strategies. The integrated planning process in the metropolitan area of Bologna appears particularly significant in terms of interpretation of metropolitan resilience related to the ‘space of movement’. Its recent planning path shows the dialogue of mobility networks, public transportation systems, dense urban patterns, green-blue corridors and public spaces which become ‘new urbanity’ realms

    Interpretazioni di mobilità metropolitana e resilienza. Il caso di Bologna

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    The polysemous nature of the term resilience in urban policies is enabling more and more innovative multi-disciplinary entanglement and cooperation, implementing a virtuous dialogue between several knowledge domains as health, ecology, environment, socio-economy, planning. Significant schools of thought stress the role of mobility networks as a strategic issue for the interpretation of the resilience concept in terms of cohesion principles for territories and civic communities. Looking at the space of movement , new planning tools as SUMP (promoted by the EU) can allow to overcome ancient and persistent separations between mobility networks and the land use design by concretely implementing integrated regeneration strategies. The integrated planning process in the metropolitan area of Bologna appears particularly significant in terms of interpretation of metropolitan resilience related to the space of movement . Its recent planning path shows the dialogue of mobility networks, public transportation systems, dense urban patterns, green-blue corridors and public spaces which become new urbanity realms

    URBAN CENTER. Una casa di vetro per le politiche urbane.

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    Nella cultura di governo della cittĂ , il termine "Urban Center" (o "Casa della cittĂ ") designa una serie di strutture il cui denominatore comune risiede nello svolgimento di attivitĂ  di servizio per le comunitĂ  urbane ai fini di soddisfare la crescente domenda di democrazia partecipativa e deliberativa nei processi di trasformazione degli insediamenti. Traendo spunto dalla storicizzazione del fenomeno e dal confronto tra i consolidati modelli statunitensi e le recenti esperienze in Italia, il volume si interroga sulla maturazione delle missioni dell' "Urban Center" nel passaggio da asettico spazio di informazione a luogo provilegiato per la costruzione trasparente di politiche urbane condivise. Il percorso logico del volume si sviluppa seguendo un fil rouge articolato in quattro parti. Il primo blocco si apre con due tematiche che costituiscono dialetticamente la cornice di riferimento entro cui puĂČ essere correttamente collocata la questione degli UC: l’urbanistica partecipata e il marketing urbano. Nella seconda parte attraverso lo studio di casi si ricostruisce il quadro delle articolate declinazioni statunitensi di Urban Center, consolidatesi in diversi decenni di storia. Sono strutture fortemente caratterizzate e autonome per stile, missioni, obiettivi, prioritĂ , modalitĂ  operative, ma allo stesso tempo accomunate da un equilibrato mix di passione civile e pragmatismo professionale. Il terzo gruppo di saggi Ăš dedicato alla condizione attuale e di prospettiva degli UC in Italia, delineando criticamente una sorta di “mappa dinamica” delle diverse strutture attivate e in divenire, caratterizzate per soggetti ispiratori, missioni “stili” e protagonismo degli attori coinvolti. Il cerchio delle riflessioni si chiude nella quarta parte discutendo la questione dell’innovazione di metodo per la costruzione di un UC sia attraverso la dimensione teoretica che le potenzialitĂ  operative. Testi in italiano e inglese di B. Monardo (curatore), M.C. Bizzarri, E. Carmagnani, M. Carta, F. Ceci, P. Colarossi, L. De Bonis, A. Dina, A. De Rossi, D. Filippi, A. Giorgi, P. Laconte, F. Lovato, L. J. Osmond, R. Shiffman, O Tommasi, A. Uttaro; postfazione di M. Ricci

    High Risk of Secondary Infections Following Thrombotic Complications in Patients With COVID-19

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    Background. This study’s primary aim was to evaluate the impact of thrombotic complications on the development of secondary infections. The secondary aim was to compare the etiology of secondary infections in patients with and without thrombotic complications. Methods. This was a cohort study (NCT04318366) of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients hospitalized at IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital between February 25 and June 30, 2020. Incidence rates (IRs) were calculated by univariable Poisson regression as the number of cases per 1000 person-days of follow-up (PDFU) with 95% confidence intervals. The cumulative incidence functions of secondary infections according to thrombotic complications were compared with Gray’s method accounting for competing risk of death. A multivariable Fine-Gray model was applied to assess factors associated with risk of secondary infections. Results. Overall, 109/904 patients had 176 secondary infections (IR, 10.0; 95% CI, 8.8–11.5; per 1000-PDFU). The IRs of secondary infections among patients with or without thrombotic complications were 15.0 (95% CI, 10.7–21.0) and 9.3 (95% CI, 7.9–11.0) per 1000-PDFU, respectively (P = .017). At multivariable analysis, thrombotic complications were associated with the development of secondary infections (subdistribution hazard ratio, 1.788; 95% CI, 1.018–3.140; P = .043). The etiology of secondary infections was similar in patients with and without thrombotic complications. Conclusions. In patients with COVID-19, thrombotic complications were associated with a high risk of secondary infections

    Il piano per la mobilitĂ , finanziamenti per obiettivi.

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    L'innovazione prodotta dal PUM (Piano della MobilitĂ  Urbana) con una politica volta alla fattibilitĂ  degli interventi anche attraverso la flessibilitĂ  delle forme di erogazione finanziaria

    Speciale Dossier Urban Promo 2004. CittĂ  trasformazioni investimenti.

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    L'autore ha raccolto i materiali, redatto e coordinato le schede illustrative di piani, programmi e progetti presentati alla Rassegna UrbanPromo 2004 (Urbit INU), Venezia 11-18 novembre 2004
